Welcome to the Baby Cafe’


Baby Cafe’

“Breast is best!”


Numerous research studies show the importance of the bond formed between mother and child during breastfeeding. Even though breastfeeding is human nature, it is not always easily accomplished. Don’t worry! We’re here to help

Simply use the sign-up calendar below for free professional advice on the ins and outs of breastfeeding and taking care of mom and baby.

Get Answers!

Don’t get lost online asking Dr. Google for answers. Trust the trained professionals like us

gain Support!

Learn and partake in a group setting with other mothers looking for support and clarity

Stay Connected!

Come back regularly to get refreshed, learn new information and resources, and continue connecting with other empathetic mothers like you


Sign Up

Choose from one of our English-Speaking classes below. Para Español reunión (https://www.htthealth.com/baby-cafe-espanol).

(Note: Due to Covid-19 Social distancing guidelines, all Baby Cafe classes will be offered as virtual Zoom sessions until further notice.)

“Mother’s milk, developed through evolution with thousands of ingredients to build the human brain, body and immune system, is incomparable with a man-made product of a couple dozen ingredients that are non-human and in wrong proportions.”

— Darcia Varvaez, Ph.D., Breastmilk Wipes Over Formula

Breastfeeding ... requires its own ‘warm chain’ of support – that is, skilled care for mothers to build their confidence and show them what to do, and protection from harmful practices. If this warm chain has been lost from the culture or is faulty, then it must be made good by health services.

— Lancet, A Warm Chain for Breastfeeding